On the Cheap

Including the posting fee, the Sox will be paying an annual expenditure of $17 million for Matsuzaka, which is beyond reasonable in the current climate of spending. In my opinion, it shows one thing. Boras had zero leverage in the end, and ran one of the great smoke and mirrors campaigns of all time in these proceedings. With Matsuzaka having said goodbye to Japan, and no free agency even possible for 2 years, he played the brash, greedy Gordon Gekko, but looks a bit more like Kenneth Lay in the end.
For Theo's part, he and Lucchino looked liked bumbling imbeciles at times, and I had t wonder how far over their heads they were in the negotiations. As this has now played out, I think they deserve a tickertape parade in Boston. They get a 26 year old pitcher, who by most estimation is one of the top 5 to 10 pitchers in the world. They lock him up at Meche money on the payroll to a long term deal, and outplay Boras in the process.
As a Yankees fan, I'm not looking forward to facing the Sox when Daisuke's on the mound these next 6 years. It hasn't been easy for me to watch this unfold, as I've devoted a year of my life to promoting this player to the American public only to see him land with my arch rival and a reasonable price. It's admittedly a tough pill to swallow, but as a fan of this player, I am delighted that he will have a chance to show the world what he can do. I wish him the best of luck, and look forward to attending a few games at Fenway with my Matsuzaka Seibu jersey on my back. (It sure as hell will be easier than the times I've been in attendance with a Matsui jersey and Yankees hat.)
I'll be back with more as it unfolds in the coming days, weeks, and years.....
Thanks for all the updates Mike. I've followed this blog pretty closely. I'm a Yankees fan too. Don't worry about the Yanks facing D-Mat. They did fine against Pedro all these years...they'll do just fine against D-Mat.
It's been good to follow your post. Don't worry about the Yanks facing D-Mat. They did fine against Pedro all those years, I'm sure they'll be just fine facing D-Mat.
As a Red Sox fan I am ecstatic to finally have him on board. Barring a problem with his phyisical I think it's a done deal. The Sox/Yankees Rivarly will now be in full blast in the Far East!!! When U come to Fenway let me know so we can hit the game and watch Fort Knox go up against Godzilla!!!
Well - all in $16 million per year.
No luxury tax on posting fee.
And marketing dollars.
This is insane but in a Gil Meceh 5/55 world, not that insane.
Bosox really screwed Boras. They overdid the posting fee and then took it out of Mats hide.
If mats had stayed in Japan, he would have gotten
2*3 + 4*16 = 70 over 7 years
vs 52-60.
BUt there is less risk here so it is not a totally awful deal for him.
Please give me a call.
CSBRS 617 645 4898
Where did you get that Seibu lion Daisuke jersey... looks awesome, I've been looking around the internet with no luck...
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