Cabinet Predictions
I was fortunate enough (in the cozy environs of my own imagination) to spend some time with several members of Prime Minister Abe's Cabinet as they left a recent meeting in Tokyo. Several of the ministers took a minute or two to weigh in on Matsuzaka and even offered a few predictions about his next start versus Oakland. Here's what they had to say:
Exporting a talent like Daisuke is a wonderful gesture by the Japanese people to the baseball fans of your country. If all goes well, we will be mass producing these pitchers in miniaturized form and sending more of them for you to consume. Of course, the gyroball is a national treasure. That will stay behind.
vs. Oakland
9 IP, no hits, no walks, no runs, 27 strikeouts

The posting of Daisuke Matsuzaka eased the burden of one high priced young whippersnapper on the infrastructure. For what it cost us to support Mr. Matsuzaka's needs in Japan we can now afford to pay for 10 new whaling ships. Huzzah.
vs. Oakland
7 IP, 7 hits, no walks, no runs, 7 strikeouts

Whaddya say? Matsu-whatsit? You'll have to speak up. If you're referring to the boy from Yokohama High School, I think he'll be a fine pro. I hope he plays for the Giants. America, you say? Never signed on to the Kyoto Protocols. Also, I don't like those Hollywood pictures these days. Too many effects and not enough story. When I was a young man.....
vs. Oakland
Don't you mean Philadelphia Athletics?

I don't know much about base..........ball. Fact of the matter is, I'm much more of shogi fan myself. Cleats irritate my corns. Matsuzaka-san certainly provided a boost to the economy though. With Seibu sinking into the abyss of financial uncertainty, a certain Boston-based benefactor, who will remain nameless, decided to bail them out with a hefty contribution. Uh...yes. The Red Sox. Who told you that?
vs. Oakland
14 IP, 112 hits, 12 "four balls", 10,000 runs, no strikeouts

Well, right now we've only seen Matsuzaka's rawest ability. Early on his VORP is only 9.6, behind Beckett, Schilling, and Wakefield among starters. His Defense Independent ERA, adjusted for All Time, is 4.46. I expect to see him build on some early success, and get his ERA+ numbers back into positive territory. He's not a 93. That said, he's not as cute as Yuki Saito.
vs. Oakland
8 IP, 6 hits, 2 walks, 2 ER, 10 strikeouts
As for me, I'm going with Minister Ota's prediction. She was right about Pedroia, too. She said he'd hit when everyone else was beginning to doubt. Go Daisuke!!
Daisuke is about due for one of his 8 inning gems.
Looking for a strong rebound game
that was an awesome, awesome post. thanks mike!
btw, minister ota's kinda hot, in a milfy type of way. can i say that on here?
Matsuzaka was definitely labouring out there today; though he's certainly pitching better than the past two games.
6IR 7H 2BB 2ER 8K
Will he be allowed to come back out in the 7th? I doubt it, especially with pitching count at 113 already
Quality start regardless but could have been a lot better
oh wow, he was allowed to come back out for the 7th inning. That should be it for him I believe, 129 pitches
7IP 7H 2BB 2ER 8K
A fine quality start
The numbers look good but I really thought he didn't look good today. So many balls were thrown that were not even close to tempting for the batters. I constantly switched between this game and the Angel game, where I watched Escobar throw consistent strikes the entire game, and I was struck by how often Dice-K throws pitches that are way, way out of the zone and wasted.
His control was definitely not up there today but he did manage to stay in the game
Although I did notice that on too many occasions when he's leading with 2 strikes in the count he started throwing balls trying to get batter to swing; and often the batter caught up in count, making it full-count.
Not bad on my mean Minister Ota's prediction, huh? Missed by an inning, a hit, and 2 Ks.
A very good game by Daisuke. Awful game for the Sox offence.
Seriously, why is everyone saying he had a good game? Did anyone actually watch it?
I know you must have caught at least some of the game, you surely noticed that he was looking very shaky, and that he was lucky to get out of there with only 2 ER's? What's your opinion on that?
great prediction, once again. can you start predicting wins/losses?
" (You giggle, however I saw that typo as a law audit manager.) Always have a second sets of eyes edit your expositions before you send them off.
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